1201 CITY AND COUNTRY DUCKS Three cards freely selected are returned to the pack and placed in a holder in
front of the duck who, to prove its intelligence and ability, reaches out and pulls those same cards one at a time from the deck. Plenty of opportunity here for comedy. Two styles of duck, plain white or
gingham dressed for rural wear. No sleight of hand necessary as the smart duck does all the work. |
1205 BREAK-A-PART FAN Nothing is more annoying or embarrassing than to use a piece of equipment which
is unreliable, working sometime but not always. The breakaway fan often acts that way, but Owen Magic has solved the problem. This is a beautiful fan, aside from its rugged construction, with stainless steel
ribs. With proper care it will last a lifetime. You can use it as a fan, yet if anyone else tries, it falls apart. This is the finest magic fan ever made. |
1207 BEWITCHED COFFEE CUP A nicely made metal cup and saucer in imitation of fine china is filled with
liquid and as the performer starts to drink he changes his mind and tosses the cups' contents at the spectators. To their relief it has magically changed to confetti or shavings.
1210 COMEDY FLOWER This is a very funny bit of business. A flower stands straight, or flops, at your will. A
lady smells it and it stands, a man sniffs, and seemingly causes it to wilt. Finely made of top quality feathers. |
1230 MULTIPLYING CHAIRS One of those quick, snappy effects that add so much to a magical program. The
performer invites two people upon the stage. He finds that there is only one chair. This he brings forward and, swinging it in the air, produces a second chair identical to the first. The chairs we supply
are made of solid hardwood and of a neat, graceful design especially made for this purpose. The chairs may also be used with a collapsing carton to do the topsy turvy effect.