


Illusion 1 Illusion 2 Illusion 3 Illusion 4 Illusion 5 Illusion 6 |
A sensational, promotable illusion! The lights come up on an
abstract road construction scene. Yellow traffic barriers surround and
isolate the downstage performing area; flashing lights warn all who
approach. A long cloth is stretched out and the throaty growl of a big
engine is heard. The cloth drops to reveal a real car; broadside to the
audience, with the performer at the wheel. Of course the barriers are all
where they were an instant before. The car makes its appearance so
quickly that explanations seem to be ruled out. The illusion may be
performed without alterations to the stage, and may be struck quickly. Of
course, you do have to do something with the car... Since the apparatus
is adaptable to nearly any vehicle, a promotional tie-in with a local
dealer could be of mutual benefit! |
Apparatus of remarkable beauty and an amazing double
appearance combine to create a powerful first impression in this ideal
opening to any performance of Grand Illusion. As the curtain opens, the 6
foot high acrylic and silver cylinder gleams in a single spotlight. The
cylinder momentarily fills with a magical mist which, when dissipated,
reveals the star of the show inside! As the performer steps forward
through a door in the side of the cylinder, it again fills with mist.
Instantly the door opens and the performer's co-star steps out. Equally
useful for a vanish or appearance and may be used singularly or in a pair
to "transport" the performer or their assistants from one place
to another. |
The performer introduces a gleaming steel bar, more than 6
foot long, nearly 1 inch in diameter. With the bar resting on two
uprights, a spectator is given the opportunity to inspect the bar. The
performer clamps the bar into place on the uprights, and has each end of
the bar firmly held by an assistant or audience member. A set of two
small hinged doors obscures only the middle section of the bar.
The performer reaches his arm between the uprights from the
rear, and as his fingertips move upward and clear the doors at the top,
the audience realizes that his arm must have passed through the steel bar.
Now the performer steps directly behind the covered section, and with an
effort, seemingly pulls his body first into and then through the bar and
out the front of the doors. Immediately the doors are removed, revealing
the bar in place and just as solid as before.
The effect may be performed surrounded. An assistant is
normally required. |
An illusion that is very pleasing to the eye and puzzling to
the audience. On a lighted stage is a neat table upon which is a fancy
flower pot with flowers, in the center of which is a beautiful large
closed tulip. Lit candles at each corner add to the setting so that a
clear view may be had beneath and all around the table. At the
performer's command the tulip slowly opens and as it does a beautiful
lady arises from its center until her head and shoulders are in full
view, a very beautiful effect. |
In design, mechanics and
dramatic impact, this is the ultimate levitation. It begins with a breathtaking surprise.
The performer stands atop an elegant platform more than five feet above
the stage, well away from any curtains. He stretches out a silk cloth in front of him, and when he whisks
it away a woman appears, reclining and floating in midair in front of
him. She floats higher and lower, at the performers command. A hoop is
passed entirely over and around the floating figure. The performer drapes the cloth over the
floating woman. As she rises to the highest point yet, she vanishes in
midair and the empty cloth flutters down into the performer's hands. This
dreamlike illusion has a profound effect on the audience. For a moment,
they are transported to a place where anything truly is possible! Owen
Magic is the originator of this illusion and has established its creative
rights in court on behalf of our performer clients, who may be assured
that their purchase is protected to fullest legal extent. |
Illusion 1 Illusion 2 Illusion 3 Illusion 4 Illusion 5 Illusion 6 |